deutsch I english
For over 20 years, we have been dealing with the economic controllability of complex service companies. This began as a theory (study, lecturer, doctorate), then in practice (manager, shareholdere, consultant, expert). Today, we operate with several important departments: GSM, for marketing and consulting, complex sports and leisure, fitness and wellness, injury-prevention and therapy, and several clubs in the sports and health area.
1. Corporate Planning
2. Management
3. Management
Werden Sie Sponsor, Partner und besonderer Gast unseres Hauses und Veranstaltungen, somit als Förderer des Sports, der Gesundheit und der Jugend wahrgenommen .
GSM Gesellschaft für Sportmanagement und Beratung mbH
Walldorfer Straße 100 I 69226 Nußloch
Telefon: 06224 99 09-12
Telefax: 06224 99 09-17
Kontakt: Kontaktformular